Bus Ministry

In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), God commands each and every believer to proclaim the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that God intended for the Great Commission to be carried out by the believer through the Local New Testament Church.

Among many other evangelistic tools, the bus ministry is among one of the greatest evangelistic tools in the history of the local church. Millions upon millions of people have come to church, heard the gospel preached, and had their lives forever changed since the introduction of the bus ministry. At Smyrna Baptist Church, we have seen the powerful, life-changing impact of this ministry on countless boys and girls, teens, and adults.

Since 1958, our bus routes have run up and down the streets of our community as well as many other communities around Pensacola, every Sunday, bringing in hundreds of children and adults. We have seen many souls saved, lives changed, and families helped. The bus ministry still works in this changing world!

If you need transportation to our church, we would be delighted to bring you to church on one of our many buses. To see if one of our buses service your community, please contact us.